6 Weeks From Now, You’ll
Look Forward to Disagreements with Your Partner
Why? You will know how to transform those disagreements into an exquisite partnership that is defined by the best sex of your life!
Sex Can Get Better with Each Passing Year
Learn the simple 6-step process to transform your relationship into the one you dream of. Best of all you don’t need to wait for your partner.
When you learn the steps contained in my Exquisite Partnership Formula , you will bring your best and truest self into relationship with your partner and that has the power to transform your connection in ways you might never have dreamed possible.
The fact is – if you’ve been waiting for your partner to change…then starting now, the wait is over!
You Don’t Have to Settle for a Mediocre Love Life
What if I told you that one of the greatest lies of our times is that falling in love leads inevitably to the slow and steady process of fading sexual passion and diminishing joys?
What if I told you that I know exactly what you can do to change all of this into what you really want most – a relationship that works for you and for your partner?
What if I told you that I know six simple steps to take the sort of disagreements all couples have and transform them into the best friendship and the hottest sex of your life?
Would you believe me? Or would you wonder if I had a tendency to exaggerate?
I know this might sound too good to be true. If I were you, I would probably be skeptical. But the fact is I have helped thousands of individuals and hundreds of couples to transform their relationship drama into more love and romance.
You see, I live this every single day of my life. I have been on this path for years and I am here to tell you that love and sex are NOT meant to “mature” into something a little boring. That sounds like a really unfulfilling choice to me and I am just not willing to settle.
I know you don’t have to settle either.
Get the Exquisite Partnership Formula and Have Better Sex
Only $297
Enjoy Less Arguing and Better Sex
If you think you deserve the best friendship and sex of your life, then let me show you how.
My Exquisite Partnership Formula is very simple. That doesn’t mean it is easy.
But I will be with you every step of the way providing email coaching and encouragement. With my help you are going to catapult all your connections – not just your romantic relationship – into another dimension. One where you have WAY more control over outcomes than you ever thought possible.
Wouldn’t it be nice to finally eliminate the predictable patterns of conflict you have been living with for way too long?
And wouldn’t you rather enjoy the hot sex you fantasize about for real?
Introducing the Exquisite Partnership Formula, my 6-week private coaching program that will change your love life forever!
A Simple Six Step Process
In just 6 weeks we are going to complete 6 simple steps to take you from frustrated to elated!
This is going to be a powerful journey of learning new patterns that will get you the results you want!
Each week we will address one of the six topics detailed below.
- Learn the Secrets of Masculine and Feminine Cultures and Finally Understand Your Partner
- Increase Your Sexual IQ with Advanced Foreplay and Sacred Sexual Techniques
- Discover Why Those Inevitable Conflicts are Your Best Friend
- Find Out How You Can Use Your Anger to Create MORE Intimacy, Trust and Safety
- Have the Honest, Nurturing and Sexually Rewarding Relationship You Always Dreamed Of.
- Free Yourself from Codependent Patterns for Good when You Begin the Dance of Interdependence
As part of your relationship rejuvenation process…
I will provide the most unique and often the most enjoyable homework you have ever heard of as part of your email coaching.
Here are the six amazing topics that make up the Exquisite Partnership Formula. As you can see it is a comprehensive program designed to catapult your relationship into a whole new level of intimacy and love.
Only $297
Finally Understand Your Partner!
1. Learn the Secrets of Masculine and Feminine Cultures
Most of us have been taught very limiting ideas about the way men are and the way women are. No matter how evolved we think we are, these concepts can control and limit our chances for true intimacy without our knowing it.
I will reveal how you can learn to talk your partner’s language and they can finally understand you. Let me help you open your own heart and your partner’s heart in ways you might never have thought possible.
Never Settle for Less Than the Best Sex of Your Life!
2. Increase Your Sexual IQ with these Advanced Foreplay and Sacred Sexual Techniques
This part of our journey is guaranteed to be the most fun you have ever had!
I will open the doors to sex secrets many professional sex educators don’t know. And your “homework”’ will leave you breathless (literally!).
Whether you have a specific concern regarding sexual performance or just a vague feeling that something could be better, I will supply you with the details that make all the difference.
Since I have tons of experience as well as expertise and education on the topic of sex, you will finally be able to get answers to ALL your questions regarding sexuality, sexual technique, sacred sex, merging with the your lover and the Divine, achieving multiple orgasms and solutions to any health constraints you currently experience.
There is no limit to the erotic bliss you can experience and I can’t wait to guide you to all the information and resources and coaching that will take you there!
3. Discover Why Those Inevitable Conflicts are Your Best Friend
Conflict is actually the life’s blood of both intimacy and spiritual growth IF you know how to use it for good!
It is natural to want to avoid conflict. Conflict is scary and it can spiral out of control damaging our relationships and our sense of self.
I will help you discover the habits of thought that keep you stuck, and free your heart so you can soar!
Once you get clear on your “script” and how it is shaping your interactions with others and your sense of self, nothing will ever be the same again! You will feel more empowered to navigate your life in the ways that call to you most powerfully.
In short, this step is simply the most life changing and profound step in the entire formula. I can’t wait to take you there!
4. Find Out How You Can Use Your Anger… to Create MORE Intimacy, Trust and Safety!
Most of us think of anger as a negative emotion, but in reality, your anger is beautiful! Your anger can inform you and guide you in ways that no other emotion can. But what you do with your anger is key.
If you don’t know how to use your anger for good, it can become a force for evil. When we don’t know how to navigate our anger, we tend to do one of three things: we hold onto resentments, we have angry outbursts or we suppress our anger and become depressed instead.
So I am going to teach you 12 steps to move past any of the ways you are currently relating to your anger that are not serving you. You will learn how to let go of resentments, how to eliminate angry outbursts, and concrete ways to connect with your anger in a healthy way.
Soon you will be on the road to using your angry feelings to help you assert healthy boundaries that actually draw people closer to you!
Stop Arguing or Avoiding Hot Topics and…
5. Have the Honest, Nurturing and Sexually Rewarding Relationship You Always Dreamed Of.
This is the heart and soul of the Exquisite Partnership Formula! You will learn 5 specific steps to transform your relationship into an Exquisite Partnership ™ and enjoy the very best sex of your life. Sex doesn’t occur separate from relationship dynamics so addressing the ways you communicate and connect is key.
You will practice active listening, validation of feelings, assertion skills, appreciations and invitations to partnership.
This is a game changer. What you are going to learn in this module will not only transform your relationship with your partner, you will begin to relate to all the people in your life in a far more empowered, authentic and heart centered way!
Free Yourself from Codependent Patterns for Good
6. Begin the Dance of Interdependence
We live in a codependent world. What does that mean?
It means that we often try “to be nice” instead of being authentic. We sometimes give more than we really feel comfortable doing. Or we might try to control those around us in a effort to control how we feel.
Whether you are a people pleaser or a control freak, these are both expressions of codependency. The only cure is to get the focus back on what your heart is really trying to say to you.
You will learn some very specific ways to shift from being “other directed” to being centered in your core identity in a powerful way that believe it or not leads to even more emotional intimacy with others.
You are going to love it!
When you get the Exquisite Partnership Formula, You get a 6-week coaching program that includes 6 Training Videos, 5 Ebooks and Personalized Email Coaching from Veronica Monet!
Only $297
Dear Veronica,
Thanks to your help, we are now enjoying more sex, more hugging, more passionate kissing, more interest and participation and more sexual desire. Our love making is more spontaneous and more in the moment.
You were the catalyst in helping us to see our individual and couple blocks to taking responsibility for our own happiness and success and learning to work together as a team.
I have worked to continue to stay more in the moment, enjoying both my own sexuality as well as staying personally happier. That nexus between love/sex/anger I also believe extends to depression and general feelings of well being. Since we’ve opened up our communication and authenticity, and both worked to ‘stay in the moment,’ I feel as though I have a partner and one to whom I feel connected – and this has helped my outlook tremendously!
All of this has strengthened our relationship. There is a lot more touching, kissing, nice conversation, compliments and connection in general! We are more open with our sexuality and interests and play.
We now have a strong “LOVE” foundation! We love each other, want to be with each other, and we do not want to do anything that would hurt the other in any way.
We are enjoying more intimacy and improved communication. We now share our feelings more openly with much less passive aggressiveness. This has had a huge impact on our romance, helping us to feel excitement and passion we haven’t felt in years!
Thank you so much,
Dan and Joan
Turn Your Relationship Into an Exquisite Partnership
It Took a lot of Trial and Error to Get Here. I Can Save You a lot of Suffering and a lot of Time!
I used to fight all the time with my husband. Well he’s actually my ex-husband now. But the first few years we were married were full of angry shouting often followed by frustrated tears. I wish I could tell you that we argued about important things like how to raise our children. But it seems we avoided those big topics, preferring to rip each other’s hearts into little bits about nonsense neither one of us can remember now.
One day, I finally realized things were never going to get better unless we got help. My husband was not going to initiate change because his way of coping was to withdraw until things blew over and then pretend nothing happened. But I wanted someone to help us understand what we were doing wrong and how we could fix it.
I did not want couple’s therapy. We had tried that and it only brought us minimal relief. No, I knew we needed a fresh approach from someone who not only had the education and expertise but had lived through the rough stuff and was now enjoying a peaceful and rewarding connection with their partner.
I found a coach who specialized in helping couples navigate their anger and learn new ways of communicating. My husband and I did our “homework” and soon we were enjoying the fruits of real change! Whenever we started to spin out of control, we knew what to do to get things back on track. And the new things we were learning really worked!
Soon, we were enjoying a much more peaceful and enjoyable connection. In many ways it was like falling in love all over again only this time we were coming to have an even deeper appreciation for each other.
It’s true we eventually divorced as many couples do. But it was perhaps the most amiable divorce ever. I am very happy that my ex and I are still friends over a decade after our divorce. When we connect on the phone, we talk about our children and laugh about the many anecdotes from our years together. We were only married for 14 years but our friendship spans decades.
Today, I am living with the man of my dreams. We have been together for over a decade and the tools I learned in relationship with my ex are still relevant and useful in my new relationship. And I have continued to learn new ways of dealing with conflict and new ways of building intimacy. The path I am on is one of continual growth and ever escalating joys! I am learning that there is no limit to how beautiful love, intimacy and the erotic dance can be.
I have learned a ton through years of experience and the good news is that you don’t have to invest thirty years in trial and error that can often lead to devastating results until you figure out what works. I can help you bypass unnecessary agony and get your relationship and your life on track much, much sooner than I did!
The transformation I am enjoying is just too amazing not to be shared. That’s why I have distilled what I have learned into six simple steps that together with my expert coaching, can change your love life forever.
Real people. Real results.
One of my clients, Debbie, started working with me when she was having serious troubles in her 20-year marriage. Over time, it became apparent that she was in an abusive relationship and that her husband was not willing to stop the abusive behaviors, so she chose to leave the marriage. I helped her achieve an amiable divorce and to make the transition into dating. A year later, she started a new relationship, one based upon mutual respect and sharing intimate feelings. The progression from accepting the unacceptable to being able to select a new partner who is not emotionally or sexually abusive was a HUGE journey of transformation that she made in just one year!
Not only that, Debbie’s relationship with her whole world shifted to something much more positive and empowering. She took up dancing, something she had always wanted to do. She began to travel and enjoy life and other people. And ultimately she was promoted to vice president of her company!
But why take my word for it? Here is what Debbie has to say about it:
Words are inadequate to describe the transformative guidance Veronica is providing in my life. She has worked with me on real transformation that gives me the clarity and tools I’d hoped for. I’ve replaced old ways of thinking and acting, with new habits so I can let go of a lot guilt and shame that was weighing me down physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Asking for what I want or need from others, seems so simple and yet it has been incredibly difficult for me, even when my own safety is at risk, I have frozen and become silent during times when asserting firm boundaries was critical! With Veronica’s support and insight, I have found a voice of courage to ask and to draw clear boundaries when it matters most. Surprisingly I find that speaking up is giving me a deeper connection to myself and others and a whole lot more of what I truly desire in my life.
Veronica is a fantastic facilitator in joint sessions with partners, friends, family members. She supports each individual’s concerns or views so they can become a partner in creative solutions to long-standing issues.
My time with Veronica is radically changing my life beyond what I knew was possible. She helped me through crisis and has enriched the path to greater connection, joy and truth. Her work is priceless and extraordinary. I am so grateful!
Debbie – Hospital Vice President
Michael was unable to get a date. This guy was exceptionally intelligent, successful in his profession and yet he had not one clue how to attract potential partners. So I helped him examine his patterns of communication and his style of interacting so he could understand where the disconnects were taking place and then start practicing successful ways of connecting with women. In a few months he had more dates than he knew what to do with. He had a blast! But after awhile he was literally exhausted by his popularity with women and called me for help again.
This time he wanted my help in choosing the right woman to marry. He was ready to begin a family but wanted to make sure he selected the best partner from all the women who were interested in him. I helped him get clear on his priorities and soon he felt confident about proposing to the woman he wanted to share his life with. Today they have been happily married for many years and have two beautiful children.
Michael contacted me recently to let me know how is life is progressing since our work together:
I wanted to update you, since I believe the last time we actually spoke was right before my wedding, nearly 5 1/2 years ago. Jen and I are still going strong, and I often think of how instrumental you were in bringing me to this fulfilling family life. We have a 2 1/2 year old daughter, Annabelle, and a baby boy on the way this month! As you might imagine, being a dad to a toddler eats up a lot of my time, but I’m loving every moment of it.
Michael – Computer Programmer
Frequently Asked Questions
A: In addition to 30+ years of personal recovery from codependency, anger issues, sexual abuse and domestic violence, I am a Certified Sexologist, Anger Specialist and Relationship Coach. I have helped hundreds of couples to enjoy healthier, happier connection over the past 15 years!
A: Whether you are in a relationship now or not, chances are you will be in a relationship at some time in your life. What you learn in this program will benefit all your relationships including the one you have with yourself!
A: Most coaching programs for couples require both partners to participate. I don’t. You are welcome regardless of your relationship reality. And if you do have a reluctant partner who doesn’t want to participate, that’s fine. These tools will work even if you are the only one learning them.
You Can Do This! I Will Show You How!
You don’t need to wait for your partner to come along.
The fact is – if you’ve been waiting for your partner to change…
then starting now, the wait is over!
Because in this course you’ll find out WHAT you can do to create the relationship you long for, HOW to bring your best and truest self into relationship and HOW to be an irresistible magnet that brings out the best in your partner.
Don’t let your past limit your vision of your future. YOU deserve the relationship of your dreams!
Even if you have tried couples counseling in the past, and especially if you have, this program is designed for you. I know the frustration of not being able to get the help you want and need in order to enjoy peace in your home and passion in your love life. I know with all my heart that none of us is doomed to endure or settle. Getting what you want in life takes a little work but a lot of the work is simply showing up. It is human to be frightened of our own success, of having what we really want and of being happier than we ever dreamed possible.
But don’t let that scare you because YOU deserve to be happier than you ever dreamed possible. And I want to help you get there!
Just 6 Weeks From Now,
You’ll Look Forward to Disagreements with Your Partner
Why? You will know how to transform those disagreements into an Exquisite Partnership that is defined by the best sex of your life!
Get the Exquisite Partnership Formula Now
Only $297