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Should bathrooms be gender neutral? And what is all this talk about gender anyway? Anya de Montigny (Dr. Anya), founder of www.TeachMeAboutSex.com, explains gender terms we hear a lot but may not always understand. Words like cisgender, transgender, intersex and gender queer. Plus female sexual anatomy sadly remains a confusing topic for most of us. Veronica and Anya will clear the confusion and reveal little known facts about female bodies that have the power to make your sex life more exciting than ever.

You probably saw him on TV during an episode of The Doctors or read about him in Cosmopolitan Magazine when he debuted the now famous Orgasm-Shot. Or perhaps you heard about his Vampire Facelift, when it was made famous by Kim Kardashian on her reality TV show?I had the distinct privilege of interviewing Dr. Charles ...

Singer and songwriter, Susie Chin, shares the painful details of her gang rape, the inspiring story of her journey from shame to wholeness and the birth of her beautiful song, Charlene.

I first became aware of Kate Zen when I read her intelligent and insightful article about sex worker rights on Policy Mic. Self-described as a feminist and human rights activist, first, and a former dominatrix and social science student, second, Kate began working in the sex trade as a teen runaway. In her twenties, she ...

In this candid conversation with Veronica Monet, Deborah Anapol shares her perspectives on monogamy, polyamory, love, jealousy and happy relationships. Deborah also dishes on what went into the making of her newest book, Polyamory in the 21st Century. Cheating is considered monogamy. Divorce is considered monogamy. But having more than one partner that you’re honest ...

How can you enjoy sex if you suffer from chronic pain? Can you have an orgasm without genitals? How do people with disabilities have sex? Cory Silverberg, one of three authors of The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability: For All of Us Who Live with Disabilities, Chronic Pain and Illness shares the healing core ...

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