I am SO Excited to be on this List!

I am so excited to be included in popexpert’s Top 20 Mindful Life Coaches to Watch for 2015!

According to popexpert, those of us on this list were chosen for our meaningful contributions to the mindful living movement and dedication to creating online learning opportunities for people around the world. As coaches, popexpert believes we are on a mission to help the world live, work and be more mindful in all aspects of life.

The list is comprised of distinguished popexpert experts, authors, business owners, contributors, and speakers across diverse categories of life. From nutrition to fitness, meditation, relationships, parenting, yoga, happiness, and more, all of the coaches have in common a dedication to teaching their clients a more mindful approach to living.

popexpert’s Top 20 Mindful Life Coaches to Watch for 2015 are all known for:

* Contributing significant thought leadership to the mindful living community

* Creating and facilitating incredible education opportunities through speaking engagements, blogging, and teaching

* Bringing awareness of the conversation around mindful living styles to the forefront of the health & wellness industry

Further, popexpert has this to say about the coaches selected for their list: “Through their involvement in the professional community, whether speaking, blogging, or teaching, these leaders are empowering people to learn and grow.”

Thanks popexpert! I am honored to have my work as a coach acknowledged and so happy to share your list with my readers.

Here is popexpert’s Top 20 Mindful Life Coaches to Watch for 2015!

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