How to Date Poly During the Pandemic!

Polyamorous Dating can be exciting and fun! It can also be complicated. Add one pandemic featuring masks and social distancing, and it can become even MORE fraught! Enter our polyamorous dating expert to the rescue! My friend and colleague, Sumati Sparks, is known as The Open Relationship Coach. She has been practicing ethical non-monogamy for …

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Remember when it seemed easier to hold hands or hug or even kiss?

Has #MeToo cramped your style or opened you to new possibilities? Men and women don’t agree. Not exactly a news flash, I know. But we DO have to start communicating with each other if we are ever going to find our way to mutual understanding and maybe even empathy for our different experiences and perspectives. …

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Harmless Flirting? Or #MeToo? Horses Know!

I confess I am big flirt. And it hasn’t always been the best course of action. Sometimes my flirtations have been misinterpreted as come ons. There is a difference. And yet try explaining that to the guy or gal who feels misled when they discover I was only flirting. How about you? Do you flirt? …

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Veronica Monet Coaches Dr. Marissa Pei’s Love Life

She has been referred to as a “kinder, gentler Dr. Laura” but perhaps the moniker with the most sticking power is “the Asian Oprah.” One thing is for sure, Dr. Marissa Pei is not afraid to put it all out there. And just to prove how courageous she can be, she invited me onto her …

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What Might It Feel Like to Be Free of Shame?

I am sure the answer to that question is different for each of us. But I recently produced a short video which captures how I imagine life without shame. I would love to know if you share my vision or perhaps have a different take on the topic? I am also very curious to know how …

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