How to Assert Boundaries that Create More Connection

After a year of Netflix and Zoom, many of us are tired of staying home and we’re ready to bust loose. Whether you live in an area that has reopened completely or in part, restrictions are beginning to relax and you are probably getting out of the house more than you did this past year. …

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Life is Too Short Not to Reveal Ourselves Fully

Life is just too short not to reveal ourselves as fully as we can. While many of you know that I have made it my life mission to be gut wrenchingly honest and transparent, I know I am capable of even more. And I crave more. In that spirit, I want to share a recent …

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Love Them or Leave Them? Is It THAT Simple?

Sometimes it can feel like you are literally pulling your partner toward the deeper love and intimacy we all crave. Or maybe you feel like they are pulling you? Either way, when your relationship feels difficult or strained, you might start to wonder how much effort you should invest to improve things. If things become …

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What If Someone You Love Drinks Too Much?

I have only been in love – truly, deeply in love – twice in my life. So I can be extremely tenacious when the inevitable challenges to relationship arise. I don’t give up easily. I don’t walk away at the first sign of trouble. When I was much younger, I hoped that the intensity of …

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