My clients want solid solutions for their life and relationship challenges. They want positive results in a short time. They want to learn new ways of thinking, speaking and behaving that will transform all their relationships, including the one with themselves. They are willing to learn new things in order to make their dreams a reality.
Here are just a few of the benefits my clients experience from working with me:
More Spontaneous Joy
Increased Optimism
Improved Health
Clarity Instead of Confusion
More Heart Centered Connections
Fewer Angry Outbursts
Deeper and More Satisfying Emotions
Concrete Steps to Achieve Their Life and Relationship Goals
Measurable Progress Toward Their Stated Goals
Personal Empowerment
Sustainable and Meaningful Positive Change
Case Study: Debbie
One of my clients, Debbie, started working with me when she was having serious troubles in her 20-year marriage. Over time, it became apparent that she was in an abusive relationship and that her husband was not willing to stop the abusive behaviors, so she chose to leave the marriage. I helped her achieve an amiable divorce and to make the transition into dating. A year later, she started a new relationship, one based upon mutual respect and sharing intimate feelings. The progression from accepting the unacceptable to being able to select a new partner who is not emotionally or sexually abusive was a HUGE journey of transformation that she made in just one year!
Not only that, Debbie’s relationship with her whole world shifted to something much more positive and empowering. She took up dancing, something she had always wanted to do. She began to travel and enjoy life and other people. And ultimately she was promoted to vice president of her company!
But why take my word for it? Here is what Debbie has to say about it:
“Words are inadequate to describe the transformative guidance Veronica is providing in my life.
She has worked with me on real transformation that gives me the clarity and tools I’d hoped for. I’ve replaced old ways of thinking and acting, with new habits so I can let go of a lot guilt and shame that was weighing me down physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Asking for what I want or need from others, seems so simple and yet it has been incredibly difficult for me, even when my own safety is at risk, I have frozen and become silent during times when asserting firm boundaries was critical! With Veronica’s support and insight, I have found a voice of courage to ask and to draw clear boundaries when it matters most. Surprisingly I find that speaking up is giving me a deeper connection to myself and others and a whole lot more of what I truly desire in my life.
Veronica is a fantastic facilitator in joint sessions with partners, friends, family members. She supports each individual’s concerns or views so they can become a partner in creative solutions to long-standing issues.
My time with Veronica is radically changing my life beyond what I knew was possible. She helped me through crisis and has enriched the path to greater connection, joy and truth. Her work is priceless and extraordinary. I am so grateful!”
Debbie – Hospital Vice President
Case Study: Michael
Michael was unable to get a date. This guy was exceptionally intelligent, successful in his profession and yet he had not one clue how to attract potential partners. So I helped him examine his patterns of communication and his style of interacting so he could understand where the disconnects were taking place and then start practicing successful ways of connecting with women. In a few months he had more dates than he knew what to do with. He had a blast! But after awhile he was literally exhausted by his popularity with women and called me for help again.
This time he wanted my help in choosing the right woman to marry. He was ready to begin a family but wanted to make sure he selected the best partner from all the women who were interested in him. I helped him get clear on his priorities and soon he felt confident about proposing to the woman he wanted to share his life with. Today they have been happily married for many years and have two beautiful children. Michael contacted me recently to let me know how is life is progressing since our work together:
“I wanted to update you, since I believe the last time we actually spoke was right before my wedding, nearly 5 1/2 years ago. Jen and I are still going strong, and I often think of how instrumental you were in bringing me to this fulfilling family life. We have a 2 1/2 year old daughter, Annabelle, and a baby boy on the way this month! As you might imagine, being a dad to a toddler eats up a lot of my time, but I’m loving every moment of it.”
Michael – Computer Programmer
More Testimonials for Veronica Monet
“I had a session with Veronica Monet for a relationship issue I had. I found her to be extremely professional and insightful into my problem. She was able to help me get clarity, see beyond the surface issue, and help me clarify the best way to be present with my friend. She had a way of looking at things that was truly unique…like a mystique that she opened the door to and let me peek into. I feel quite excited to know she is available for help as I continue to grow more deeply into relationship. I highly recommend her and her work.”
Kristina Rodgers
“Your workshop was HUGE for us, and we wish we had had it at the beginning of our marriage. It would have prevented a lot of the very explosive and emotionally intense interactions that have been the bane of our relationship. The agreements for safety that we learned from you went into effect right away and our connection has as a result improved more in the few months since your workshop than in all the years before.”
Thanks so much,
Alex and Melody
“Working with Veronica Monet deepened my intuitive understanding of my relationship through her perceptive insight and gave much needed clarity to my cloudy mind. She was there in an hour of need and helped me explore what might have felt uncomfortable speaking with anyone else. Her wisdom is very common sense, I always thought after meeting with her, “why didn’t I think of that?” She is always very professional, and I highly recommend her to anyone wanting a clear, kind, and grounded perspective into their relationship challenges.”
“Dear Veronica,
You were the catalyst in helping us to see our individual and couple blocks to taking responsibility for our own happiness and success and learning to work together as a team.
That nexus between love/sex/anger I also believe extends to depression and general feelings of well being. Since we’ve opened up our communication and authenticity, and both worked to ‘stay in the moment,’ I feel as though I have a partner and one to whom I feel connected – and this has helped my outlook tremendously!
We now have a strong “LOVE” foundation! We love each other, want to be with each other, and we do not want to do anything that would hurt the other in any way. This has become a filter for both of our choices.
We are enjoying more intimacy and improved communication. We now share our feelings more openly with much less passive aggressiveness. This has had a huge impact on our romance, helping to launch us into an adult playground where we are living out all our fantasies and feeling excitement and passion we haven’t felt in years!”
Thank you so much,
Dan and Joan
“I was feeling alone, confused and in dire need of clarity about a sexual issue I was confronting. Veronica did what I thought was impossible. She quickly established trust, got to the heart of the matter, then lovingly provided hope, insight, laser-sharp wisdom and spot-on information. After our telephone session, she followed up with a supportive email and some suggested reading. I felt 1000% better immediately and now have the tools I need to successfully explore my sexuality in the future. I will always be grateful to Veronica for dedicating her life to helping others to achieve maximum fulfillment in their intimate lives.”
Ted S.
“I am in awe at how you helped my partner see some core manipulative patterns. My body and soul felt the lift as if a hidden treasure was discovered. Also, my getting more clarity on how I passive-aggressively handled or didn’t handle the needs of the relationship has taken a deeper impact. I appreciate your calling me out. The acknowledgment I needed came with your assisting her to see some things she wasn’t seeing; nor was I seeing those things. Thank you again for showing up to help us through this web of confusion.”
Bruce P.
Veronica is incredibly talented working with couples who are disconnected and angry…I’ve seen her magically reach in, find who is really in there, longing for love and connection and, like a magician, have the two of them say just the thing that causes them to fall back in love. She is a warrior for love, true emotion and connection.
Relationship Igniters Grass Valley CA
“Hi V, I am reaching out to extend a huge thank you for all of the help you have offered me (and Casey) in the past 4 years. The sessions with you were so deeply foundational and it has taken all this time of practicing and coming back to it for the work to become more instilled. We are thriving and have been able to come back to that space with much ease over the last year. We also just eloped on New Years Eve! Lots of good stuff happening and as I have been reflecting much at this time of year…. I just had to reach out and offer my deepest gratitude to you for being a key person in our journey.”
Leah, Newlywed
This woman knows her stuff so deeply and will take you on a journey towards freedom. Shame is so huge and in my work I see it linked to and often blocking the healing of our deepest traumas and fears. So grateful for your work my dear!!
Josea Tamira Crossley Mansons Landing BC
Veronica is a caring life coach whose life has been a monument to overcoming the handicap of shame. She is a great resource for anyone who wants a more authentic life free to experience pleasure without guilt.
Michael Nudelman Law Office Nevada City CA
Veronica understands the meaning of shame and how it can affect all areas of our lives. She is heart-centered allowing her clients to live their best life with joy, freedom and transformation.
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters Newhall CA • Psychological Services
It is such a delight for me to recommend Veronica as a powerful resource for anyone wanting to create nurturing and fulfilling relationships! For such a significant aspect of our lives we want a coach with wisdom, expertise and years of experience, and that is Veronica! She is hugely knowledgeable, creative, and compassionate and quite a fun person to boot!
Ginny Cutler Coaching, CPCC, LMFT Nevada City CA
Veronica cares so much about helping people live full, rich, meaningful loving lives. She encourages us to live lives free of shame and self-judgment.
Karen vanBarneveld, Self-employed writer/author/yoga instructor Prescott AZ
Veronica has amazing insight and is so inspiring. Her dedication to help her clients truly love themselves and empower their life in a positive spiritual transformation is inspiring. I highly recommend that you enter into the shame free zone with Veronica. Thank you Veronica for helping me with my journey.
Byers Solatube Grass Valley CA
Veronica is truly a gifted healer. She is completely dedicated to sacred service. Drawing upon her own spiritual journey, she inspires others to live free from shame. To enter the Shame Free Zone is to be embraced by unconditional love.
True Will Astrology Nevada City CA
Veronica’s sensitive, intuitive skillful work, supports her clients to heal at the deepest level, transcend their issues and concerns and find a new healthy empowered approach to life.