The difference between consensual prostitution and sex trafficking

Juhu Thukral, leading expert on the rights of low-income and immigrant women in areas of sexual health and rights, takes time out from Hurricane Sandy to weigh in on California’s Proposition 35 which conflates adult, consensual prostitution with sex trafficking.

The Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research Project, Inc

Maxine Doogan, President and Founder of The Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research Project, Inc., reveals the tragic flaws of California’s Proposition 35 which fools voters into thinking a yes vote will save innocent victims when in fact a yes vote will doom sex workers and their families to years in prison, outrageous fines …

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The drive to be your best with Katrina Radke

From farm town girl to Olympic Swimmer, to bedridden and beyond, therapist Katrina Radke uses her inspirational story, professional experiences, and powerful yet simple tools to help you find what drives you to be your best, while feeling deeply satisfied in all areas of your life.

Caroline Dupont and our relationship to food

Caroline Dupont’s new book brings to our attention inspirational and practical information that will deepen our understanding of our relationship to food and the world we live in.

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