Loving ALL of You and Saying Goodbye to Shame

It’s no secret that I am on a mission to heal shame. I feel deep in my bones that shame is the cause of so much that hurts and harms all of us. The irony for me is that if we could openly talk about ourselves and our lives without feeling ashamed, we would be …

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Unpacking the Myths about Escorting and Other Sex Work

That’s me pretending to talk on the phone in a hotel room. This was a staged photo for an interview in the New York Times. Jeff Goodell, who now writes for Rolling Stone, interviewed me for the Times in 2001 and this photo was taken by Gail Albert Halaban, a professional photographer hired by the …

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Sex Trafficking from the Perspective of a Former Sex Worker?

What a concept! Can you imagine asking sex workers what they think, feel and want? That rarely happens. Instead, “experts,” who almost never ask sex workers about the reality of their work, design programs to “rescue” sex workers whether they want to be “rescued” or not. And they write laws that affect sex workers, sometimes …

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I Let Go of My Fear That You Might Disapprove . . .

. . . and discovered that I could fly! My path is unique to say the least. I read the Bible from cover to cover when I was 12, expecting a religious rebirth but reading the Bible only depressed and disillusioned me. Instead I found a connection to something greater than me when I was …

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Life is Too Short Not to Reveal Ourselves Fully

Life is just too short not to reveal ourselves as fully as we can. While many of you know that I have made it my life mission to be gut wrenchingly honest and transparent, I know I am capable of even more. And I crave more. In that spirit, I want to share a recent …

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Living a Shameless Life

This is where I grew up. When I was a preteen and an adolescent, the trailer wasn’t so grungy. But the trees weren’t so lush and green either. That shed in the background is where I raised fifty baby pheasant from egg to adulthood, and later two young raccoons. It would also eventually become an …

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