How I Healed From Sexual Assault and How You Can Too

In this podcast, Myisha Battle interviews me about how I healed from incest and rape. We talk about my difficulties of being intimate with my partner while experiencing triggers from past abuse. We also explore how I healed those triggers so that I am able to enjoy a vibrant sex life. I share the specific …

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Why Rape Survivors Don’t Do What We Think They “Should” Do

The sexual assault allegations that catapulted the hashtag #MeToo into a viral phenomenon reshaped our collective consciousness around consent; and yet our culture and our laws are still mired in the same old victim blaming that has prevented any meaningful movement toward a sexual landscape that would afford us the safety and clarity that we …

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Harmless Flirting? Or #MeToo? Horses Know!

I confess I am big flirt. And it hasn’t always been the best course of action. Sometimes my flirtations have been misinterpreted as come ons. There is a difference. And yet try explaining that to the guy or gal who feels misled when they discover I was only flirting. How about you? Do you flirt? …

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Is This a Scary Time for Men?

Last week a male friend shared with me that since #MeToo he is confused and uncertain on dates. Should he initiate the first kiss? Although in the past he would have felt fine kissing his date, now he doesn’t. This same male friend also shared with me his own #MeToo moment. It happened several months …

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Steps Sexual Abuse Survivors Can Take to Feel Safe and Sexy

As we continue to digest the sweeping changes taking shape in our world in the wake of the US presidential election and other political shifts around the globe, it is my sincere hope that we can find our center through loving connection with ourselves and others. There are many threads to that and I am …

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