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Click Here to access the Exquisite Partnership Formula™ Video Course
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As an empath and intuitive, I reveal challenging things about myself, to model how a lack of shame can bring you total freedom and authenticity.
This opens the way for my clients to be completely candid, and share things with me that are never said aloud nor told to another living person. As a secret keeper, my clients feel safe to share their past and their truth, because I provide a sacred space of safety and non-judgment. The sense of humor I maintain about things that many people take far too seriously can free my clients to laugh about things they might otherwise have spent years feeling ashamed of.
I’d like to offer the same to you, here, in the Shame Free Zone.
The very essence of The Shame Free Zone is honoring YOUR unique path in this life with an eye toward personal responsibility, integrity, accountability, honesty and the freedom to be your best you regardless of societal and religious and peer pressures.
Is there a question you’d like to ask me? Is there a secret you’d like to share with me? If so, please use the confidential sidebar, located on the left side of this page
I am also inviting you to eavesdrop on some of the candid conversations I’ve had during my radio interviews. As a subscriber to my email newsletter, you automatically have access to several of my favorite episodes! Just scroll down to listen now.
You will also want to check out the free and I think GORGEOUS Ebook I have written for you. In it you will discover game changing tips to take any relationship to the next level emotionally as well as sexually!
Here is your free book:
Listen to your free episodes of the Shame Free Zone Podcast

You may have heard of Shakti and Sacred Sex but what is it exactly and how might it enrich your life? International Spiritual Teacher of Ecstasy and founder of www.TantricJoy.com, Jan Robinson, was born the daughter of a former nun. Her life journey is fascinating and brings insights that can benefit your own life journey. Much of what passes as sex in our current culture is in fact the distorted outcome of sexual repression. Learn why Jan believes that Sex is a Fundamental Life Force and how Shakti Joy can magnetize you and your Beloved while evoking the Sacred. This is very much about your spiritual journey, for as Jan says, “Where you find joy is where you find God!”

Most who consider themselves sex positive will assert there is no such thing as sex addiction while the treatment model insists that almost any sexual behavior which falls outside of vanilla, monogamous and often procreative sex is a definitive sign of addiction. In this episode of The Shame Free Zone, Veronica clarifies this emotionally charged ...

Explore what the Divine Feminine means to you personally whether you are male or female or somewhere in between! This intimate conversation with Caroline Muir will heal your heart and fill your soul with hope.
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Go Even Deeper When You Join the Erotic Empowerment Zone!
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For access to the entire podcast archive of 200+ episodes, join the Erotic Empowerment Zone for $47
Veronica Monet will guide you through many secret regions of the human psyche and explore topics considered taboo while opening your heart and connecting you more deeply to yourself. When you join the Erotic Empowerment Zone, you gain access to her entire radio archive – more than 200 episodes of Shame Free Zone interviews with experts from a variety of fields. And of course you can count on plenty of cutting edge information about sex!
Join Now for immediate lifetime access to Veronica’s private online membership for The Erotic Empowerment Zone and start listening to the Full Podcast Archive of 200+ episodes, including:
BONUS: When you join the Erotic Empowerment Zone you will also get a FREE 20 minute private coaching call with Veronica! Imagine the questions you might want to ask a certified sexologist and relationship coach. Now is your chance!
The Erotic Empowerment Zone
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The Erotic Empowerment Zone is close by.
Listen to these episodes of the Shame Free Zone podcast, plus 200 episodes in my archive, when you Access Here.
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Ready to Go Even Deeper?
The Exquisite Partnership Formula Video Course
What would it be like if instead of dreading disagreements with your partner, you actually looked forward to them?
In my online training, I am going to show you how to transform those disagreements into an Exquisite Partnership™ that is defined by the best sex of your life!
I will take you on a powerful journey that will get you the results you have always wanted!
Each week we will address one of the six topics detailed below.
Don’t let your past limit your vision of your future. YOU deserve the relationship of your dreams!
Even if you have tried couples counseling in the past, and especially if you have, this program is designed for you. I know the frustration of not being able to get the help you want and need in order to enjoy peace in your home and passion in your love life. I know with all my heart that none of us is doomed to endure or settle. Getting what you want in life takes a little work but a lot of the work is simply showing up. Each of us can be frightened of our own success, or having what we really want and of being happier than we ever dreamed possible.
But don’t let that scare you because YOU deserve to be happier than you ever dreamed possible. And I want to help you get there!
6 weeks from now, you will look forward to disagreements with your partner.
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