Why is SHE the Original Bad Girl?

Once upon a time the first woman and the first man lived in a beautiful tropical paradise where they enjoyed all the carnal delights. But the man got greedy and wanted to control their sex. He demanded that the woman lie beneath him during their lovemaking. But the woman wanted to ride atop the man …

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Loving ALL of You and Saying Goodbye to Shame

It’s no secret that I am on a mission to heal shame. I feel deep in my bones that shame is the cause of so much that hurts and harms all of us. The irony for me is that if we could openly talk about ourselves and our lives without feeling ashamed, we would be …

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Why Rape Survivors Don’t Do What We Think They “Should” Do

The sexual assault allegations that catapulted the hashtag #MeToo into a viral phenomenon reshaped our collective consciousness around consent; and yet our culture and our laws are still mired in the same old victim blaming that has prevented any meaningful movement toward a sexual landscape that would afford us the safety and clarity that we …

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I Let Go of My Fear That You Might Disapprove . . .

. . . and discovered that I could fly! My path is unique to say the least. I read the Bible from cover to cover when I was 12, expecting a religious rebirth but reading the Bible only depressed and disillusioned me. Instead I found a connection to something greater than me when I was …

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Life is Too Short Not to Reveal Ourselves Fully

Life is just too short not to reveal ourselves as fully as we can. While many of you know that I have made it my life mission to be gut wrenchingly honest and transparent, I know I am capable of even more. And I crave more. In that spirit, I want to share a recent …

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