Why We are Only as Sick as Our Secrets

It’s natural to want to hide things we fear others will judge us for. Everyone has experienced that hot flush of blood to the face when something you wanted to keep hidden is exposed. Is it embarrassment? Sometimes. Other times we might feel mortified or devastated. The latter emotions in particular can feel so overwhelming …

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Listening to Shame

Shame expert, Brene Brown, brings vulnerability to her work in ways which move and inspire millions. Her depth of sincerity and the naked way she shares her emotions and internal thoughts are stunning!  If you haven’t seen how exquisite vulnerability can evoke personal empowerment, you want to see this powerful woman in action. Brown’s courageous …

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Is Eros the Untapped Renewable Energy of Our Time?

  No,this is not a family of Chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are notoriously violent. This is their closest cousin, the bonobo. And incidentally, the bonobo is also our closest genetic cousin.  What makes the bonobo so special is how they use eros to create a non-violent culture. And for that, we can thank them for leading the way …

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Are You Too Angry?

I would be willing to bet that at various times in your life, you have been accused of “focusing on the negative” or “getting too angry” or “making a big deal out of nothing.” Sound familiar?  Maybe you have even said this to someone else? Most of us have been taught that our anger is …

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I Felt Like an Alien From Another Planet

As a child, I was not encouraged to love myself. My parents did love me but that love was compromised by their own shame. When people don’t love themselves, when they find aspects of themselves so objectionable that they deny their existence, there is a tendency to project that shame and self-hatred onto others. I …

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Shame And The Modern Woman: How Slut-Shaming Hurts You!

Increasing numbers of women are refusing to live in fear of words like “slut” or “whore.” What two words strike terror in the hearts of most women today?  What two words have helped to shape the roles of women in society and the whole of human history?  What two words carry enough power to not …

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